Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Gods At War

Kyle Idleman's newest book, "Gods at War: Defeating the Idols that Battle for Your Heart" is an honest look at the 21st century idols that battle for control of our hearts. In a busy, success-driven world, it is too easy to lose your spiritual focus, and allow a myriad of other distractions to take over the throne of your heart. Kyle Idleman follows the stories of others who have struggled with modern day idolatry in such forms as money, success, romance, food, and sex.

I thought that this book really hits at the heart of this issue - we can only have a close, spiritual relationship with our Lord if our focus is on Him. The distractions of our 21st century society make it too easy to put our focus on the wrong things, detracting from the relationship we are having with God. 

"Gods at War" is a thought provoking book that really challenges the reader to evaluate their own priorities - where we place the focus of our heart. I think that it's so important to make sure that our hearts and our energy is being spend on things that are important, so this book gives an honest wake up call about the state of our hearts, and I would highly recommend it. Great read!

FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from BookSneeze.com's Blogger program in exchange for an honest review. I was not obligated to write a positive review. 

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