"The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren is a book that is about finding our purpose in life - not our purpose at our job, or our purpose in the home, but our God-given purpose. I think that nearly everyone at some point in their life has wondered, "What is the purpose of my life?" It is this question that Rick Warren attempts to help us answer about each of our own lives.
"The Purpose Driven Life" offers daily devotionals to help us grasp our purpose, and further our understanding of what God's purpose for our life might look like. So many people pin their success or failure on their career, or family life, but there is a much bigger picture, and that is what Rick Warren tries to help us understand in this book.
This version of the book is an expanded edition, and it has been updated to be more friendly to a generation of "on the go" types, with interactive codes that can be scanned from a smartphone, and link to video feed of chapter summaries and more information about each chapter.
The book is essentially a book of daily devotions that are aimed at equipping us to change our mindset and start to understand what God's purpose is, and how we can fulfill that purpose. Each day ends with a point to ponder, a verse to remember, a question to consider, and a message to hear. The book is designed to be read over a 40 day period, and I have to admit that I thought there is a lot of life changing information in this book.
This book challenges you to change your mindset, shift your focus, and allow God to take the reins. I thought this book was awesome, and would highly recommend it!
FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from BookSneeze.com in exchange for an honest review. I was not obligated to write a positive review.
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