Friday, December 7, 2012

Live Second

"Live Second" by Doug Bender is a 365-day devotional intended to challenge the reader to live a life that puts God first. The book is broken up into 12 sessions, covering topics such as: leading, growing, and commitment, among others. Each day offers a one page reading and devotional, so there is really no reason that anyone couldn't fit this book into their daily routine - before bed, at breakfast, or on their lunch. The daily reading offers a personal story, or a short message to read. In some cases, there are scan codes that can be scanned with a smartphone, that link to video messages in place of an actual written message. 

Each week, the Day #1 devotional offers a "What It Says" and "What It Means" section, that essentially offers up discussion questions that can be answered independently or in a small group setting.  It also offers a "Practice It" section that helps you put into practice some of the information gained from that day's message. Every day's devotional offers a "Live It" and "Tell It" sections that asks you how you will live more Second that day, and how you will share what you have learned. These challenge the reader to implement the knowledge gained, and share it with others on a daily basis. Each day starts with a verse or verses from Scripture, and the message and personal questions that follow are all related to that verse. Days #2 through #7 also offer a "Talk With God" section that offers a suggested prayer for the day, tied into the overall message of the day. 

What I really appreciated about this book is that the daily readings are short, and easy to fit into the day. Even though they are relatively short, there is really a lot of information in each day's message. Between the Bible verses, message, and reflections, as well as the prayer, you really do feel like you are learning how to live second, and put Christ first in daily life. I also like that each day offers a reminder of how the reader can share that day's message with others. 

I thought this book was a really different kind of devotional, and I really liked it! I would highly recommend this book to anyone - it is the perfect book for fitting into a daily routine, and I love the message of living a life of being second. I would rate this book a 5/5. 

FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from, through their books for bloggers program in exchange for an honest review. I was not obligated to write a positive review.

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