Wednesday, August 14, 2013

NIV College Devotional Bible

The NIV College Devotional Bible is a Bible designed for college aged young adults. Published by Zondervan, this Bible  is a traditional NIV translation with special features that are designed for young adults to help them continue to grow in God's love and follow his plans.

The Bible is organized in a traditional way, from Genesis to Revelations, however, every few pages offers up a devotional type of Bible study. Using a seemingly non-Biblical story or reference, the devotional ties in the message of that particular section of the Bible, along with a few questions meant to encourage self-reflection and thought.

The text size is standard, making it easy to read.  Also included in the back of the Bible is a Table of Weights and Measures to help understand some of the Biblical references, One year reading plan, as well as several 30 Days plans (30 Days in the Psalms, 30 Days with Paul, etc.). It also offers a few journaling pages at the very back, for taking note of anything  important to the reader.

Overall, I would say that this is a traditional NIV Bible. The devotions are really what make it geared toward the college age reader, with a focus on issues and problems that they may face, as well as keeping their focus where it needs to be in order to have a successful walk with Christ in their college years. I think this Bible does a good job of combining a study Bible with a traditional NIV Bible in this way. I would recommend this Bible for anyone in college. Great resource.

FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from's Blogger program in exchange for an honest review. I was not obligated to write a positive review.

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