Friday, September 20, 2013

NIV Pink Bible

The "NIV Pink Bible: An Invitation to Hope" is a traditional NIV translation of the Bible, with some extra encouragement for those who have experienced or are facing the battle of breast cancer. The Bible really is just a plain Bible, without many footnotes or study features at all, which was a little bit disappointing. The Bible itself is just what you would expect for an NIV translation of the Bible.

What makes this Bible "Pink", is the handful of pages that have been inserted into the Bible that offer prayers, encouragement, hope, and faith for those who are struggling with breast cancer. While these are often beautiful, heart warming, encouraging messages to those people, I felt like there really could have been more of them.

I have to say that I was more than disappointed in this particular Bible. It is advertised and marketed as being "Pink", but the only thing that makes it different from any other NIV Bible on the market right now is maybe ten pages of encouragement/prayer/messages about breast cancer. I think that more could have been done to make this Bible truly "Pink", by relating more messages of encouragement, and maybe even tying in footnotes with specific passages that offer those same messages.

Overall, disappointing. I wouldn't recommend this particular Bible unless you just want a traditional NIV Bible without many of the study features that others offer. I didn't think there were enough specific messages and help about breast cancer to consider this a "Pink" Bible.

FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from's Blogger program in exchange for an honest review. I was not obligated to write a positive review.

Raising Boys By Design

"Raising Boys By Design" by Gregory L. Jantz, and Michael Gurian is a book devoted to raising strong, Godly boys who turn into strong, Godly men. This book is a blueprint for how mothers and fathers can help to encourage, strengthen, and manifest Biblical qualities in our sons, and I thought it was a really interesting book. What I really liked about this book was that Gregory Jantz is a psychologist, and Michael Gurian is a family counselor. So not only are you getting a Biblical view of raising boys, but you are also getting some insight into how a boy's brain develops, which is drastically different from that of a girl's.

The book devotes entire chapters to what a boy will learn from both his mother and his father, which I thought was very interesting. This makes it so clear why it is important for a son to have both a mother and a father in his life. Another chapter discusses the differences between how boys develop and how girls develop. This book discusses how to create a Biblical journey for your son from child to man, and I think it is a great resource for any parent who desires to raise their boys into men of God.

The chapters that I found most interesting and most useful were those on building character, and building a hero. It's so important in this day in age to raise our boys to have self-discipline, and morality, so I truly believe that this book would be a benefit to any parent raising a son, no matter what age they are.

FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from Water Brook Publishers in exchange for an honest review. I was not obligated to write a positive review.

One Year Princess Devotional

The "One Year Princess Devotional" by Karen Whiting is an adorable devotional designed for young girls. The book is specifically written for preschool aged children, so the words are simple, messages are clear, and devotionals are concise and easy to remember. Each devotional is only one page long, with large writing. Each devotional consists of a Bible verse, then an explanation of that verse, a prayer, and a way that your little princess can apply that message to her own life.

There were so many things I loved about this devotional. First, the fact that it was specifically written for young children in mind, so everything is easy to understand, and it is written in simple English that is easy for young children to understand and comprehend. I also really liked the application to a child that was included. Sometimes I find it hard to explain exactly how a verse can translate for a child to understand, but Karen Whiting does so perfectly. I also liked that each devotional was not very long, which made me feel like the message was concise and easy for my child to remember the overall meaning and message.

I would recommend this devotional for kids aged 3-6. I think it's a great way to start off young children with a devotional routine, and I think it was completely age appropriate.

FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from Tyndale House Publishers through their blogger program, in exchange for an honest review. I was not obligated to write a positive review.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Biff & Becka's Stupendous Vacation

"Biff & Becka's Stupendous Vacation" is a children's book written by Elaine Beachy. My five year old really enjoyed this book, and I thought that it was a great book for her age group.. I would recommend this book for the 5-8 year old age group. Biff and Becka are brother and sister rabbits who are excited to go on their annual summer vacation with their family as the story begins. However, things don't work out exactly as Biff had planned, and the family has to take their vacation at home.

Through their staycation and the activities and experiences that Biff and Becka share, this book teaches little ones several things, including how to deal with disappointment when things don't turn out the way they had hoped. This book also touches on how to deal with other kids when they hurt your feelings or pick on you, which I appreciated. As the mother of a child getting ready to start school, I felt that this book really helped reinforce the idea that, "you aren't what someone else says you are".

I would give this book a 5/5, and highly recommend it for kids in the 5-8 year old range. It would be a great book to read with your children, or for them to read on their own. The language isn't overly complicated, and it would be easy for most early readers to understand on their own. The morals and values in this book are Bible-based, and completely relevant to young children and their family, friendships, and experiences. Great book.

FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. I was not obligated to write a positive review.

Monday, September 2, 2013

You'll Get Through This

Max Lucado's book, entitled, "You'll Get Through This : Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times" is a wonderful book that is jam packed with hope for those in times of need. Who among us hasn't felt like we are in a terrible situation and silently asked ourselves why God hasn't helped us? Whether it is a medical issue, relationship issue, familial issue, or something completely different that you are struggling with, this book will give you hope.

Max Lucado uses his typical writing style, combining stories of Biblical strength, hope, and faith with stories of everyday folks and their stories to create a book filled with reason to be hopeful. We know that God doesn't enjoy seeing his children struggle, but this book really sheds light on how these trials and tests can be for a purpose! And not just any purpose - God's!

This book chronicles the life of Joseph interwoven with modern day trials and tragedies to build inspiration and faith. Loved every minute of it.

FTC DISCLOSURE - I received this book from for free in exchange for an honest review