"Raising Boys By Design" by Gregory L. Jantz, and Michael Gurian is a book devoted to raising strong, Godly boys who turn into strong, Godly men. This book is a blueprint for how mothers and fathers can help to encourage, strengthen, and manifest Biblical qualities in our sons, and I thought it was a really interesting book. What I really liked about this book was that Gregory Jantz is a psychologist, and Michael Gurian is a family counselor. So not only are you getting a Biblical view of raising boys, but you are also getting some insight into how a boy's brain develops, which is drastically different from that of a girl's.
The book devotes entire chapters to what a boy will learn from both his mother and his father, which I thought was very interesting. This makes it so clear why it is important for a son to have both a mother and a father in his life. Another chapter discusses the differences between how boys develop and how girls develop. This book discusses how to create a Biblical journey for your son from child to man, and I think it is a great resource for any parent who desires to raise their boys into men of God.
The chapters that I found most interesting and most useful were those on building character, and building a hero. It's so important in this day in age to raise our boys to have self-discipline, and morality, so I truly believe that this book would be a benefit to any parent raising a son, no matter what age they are.
FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from Water Brook Publishers in exchange for an honest review. I was not obligated to write a positive review.
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