"Pirates on the Farm" by Denette Fretz is a children's book that centers on a family of pirates that move to a farm. The story is told from the point of view of a child living on a nearby farm. The story details all the problems that the pirates have adjusting to life on land, and how each person reacts to the pirates. The mother is annoyed by the pirates, and starts a "move away from pirates" fund; brother Joey thinks the pirates are cool; and good old dad is tolerant and accepting of the pirates.
In the end, the pirates and the family from the story become friends, and they learn to help each other and be accepting of their differences. Mom even uses her "move away from pirates" fund to help the pirates get out of a financial jam. Overall, I thought this was a cute story and it did have the theme of being tolerant of others. I didn't particularly care for the way that the mother was portrayed, as being so rigid and intolerant, but the overall theme worked well.
My five year old reads this book easily, and the vocabulary is appropriate for her age. The illustrations are colorful and fun to look at, as well. I would give this book a 4/5, and appropriate for ages 4-7.
FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from BookSneeze.com's blogger program in exchange for an honest review. I was not obligated to write a positive review.
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