Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Chronological Study Bible

The Chronological Study Bible by Thomas Nelson Publishers is an amazing Bible tool. This Bible is organized chronologically, so that as you are reading, all of the events of the Bible are read in the order that they happened. The Bible is divided into epochs, and before each epoch begins there is an explanation of the time frame that the events are occurring in, with explanations of any relevant historical/archaeological context. Once the epoch begins, it clearly notes what chapter of the Bible you are reading making it easy to cross-reference with another Bible if needed. One of the things I really liked about this particular Bible was the abundance of color and images/maps/study tools within the pages. Notes appear frequently to add information to the reading, as well as maps, images, and historical information. There is certainly no shortage of extras with this Bible.

I would highly recommend this Bible to those looking for a way to help organize the events of the Bible in order. I plan to use this in addition to my regular Bible to understand the order of events in my personal Bible study time. I think this Bible would make a great addition to any household - it is packed with extra features, in addition to being a chronological Bible. Loved this!

FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from BookSneeze.com's Blogging program in exchange for an honest review. I was not obligated to write a positive review.

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