"The Duck Commander Faith and Family Bible" is edited by Phil and Al Robertson of the hit TV show, "Duck Dynasty". The Bible itself is a traditional NKJV translation, so it is easy to read and written in, what I consider to be, the most plain English version of the Bible. What sets this Bible apart from other NKJV Bibles on the market is the articles that Phil and Al included.
One of the unique features of this Bible is the periodic appearance of a "Set Your Sights" article in this Bible. These appear frequently, and focus on faith, family, fellowship, forgiveness, and freedom. These articles offer Phil and Al's experience, views, and insight, in conjunction with Biblical reference and principles. Each article is signed by either Al or Phil so that you can know which Robertson wrote which articles. These articles also include a section at the end called, "On the Hunt", which gives the verses from the Scripture that are relevant and support the specific article.
Another feature of this Bible that is unique from other NKJV Bibles is a topical index that is based on the five principles that appear in the "Set Your Sights" articles. The index is organized in relation to core values, so for example, children and parenting are sorted under the "faith" topic.
Overall I would highly recommend this Bible to anyone. I thought that the frequent articles that Phil and Al Robertson added to it were helpful and insightful. I am a fan of the "Duck Dynasty" show, and loved that Phil and Al put this together. If you are a fan of the show, you will definitely love this NKJV Bible.
FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this Bible through the BookLook Blogging program in exchange for an honest review. I was not obligated to write a positive review.
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