Monday, June 23, 2014


The NIV Life Journey Bible is a traditional NIV translation of the Bible that attempts to connect some Biblical truths and principles to our journey through life. I used the e-reader version of this Bible, and really liked it. I was a little bit hesitant just because I wasn't sure how easy it was actually going to be to navigate through the chapters of the Bible, but it was super easy.

The table of contents lists each chapter of both the Old Testament and New Testament, as well as all of the additional features, and skipping to a particular chapter or study tool is as simple as tapping on the title of the chapter you want to skip to. Easy!

What I really enjoyed about this Bible was the feature called "Insight". These links appear within the text of the chapter, and then when you tap on the link, it skips to the "Insight" that connects with what you were reading in the Bible. This feature takes the Biblical references and connects these principles to modern day life, touching on topics such as blame, faith, righteousness, and marriage, among many others. I thought that these were interesting, and very relevant to my life. I liked that it was easy to connect these with the reading in the Bible text, and that they were really connected and rooted in Biblical truth.

This Bible also features many study tools and helpful hints, such as a subject index, table of weights and measures, as well as full color maps, covering everything from the Holy Land to the Roman Empire (14 maps in all). What I love about having these features on the e-reader is the ability to zoom in on these maps!

Overall I would give this Bible a 5/5. I loved the "Insight" feature, and how easy it was to use this Bible on the e-reader, despite my apprehension. Would highly recommend to those looking for a new NIV Bible.

FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this e-book for free through the BookLook Blogging program in exchange for an honest review. I was not obligated to write a positive review.

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