"The Derision of Heaven" by Michael Whitworth is a fresh look at the book of Daniel. "The Derision of Heaven" covers, chapter by chapter, the book of Daniel, using current events, Biblical reference, and historical context to give a more in depth explanation of the events, lessons, and truth in the book of Daniel.
The book is split up into ten chapters, with each chapter covering a specific section of the book of Daniel, and specific important lessons that we should be taking away from this amazing chapter. This book focuses on Daniel 1 through Daniel 9, and each of these chapters typically have their own chapter. Whereas, chapter 10 of the book encompasses Daniel 10, 11, and 12.
What I thought was really helpful about this book was the depth of the detail that Whitworth uses in order to give the reader a comprehensive and coherent understanding of Biblical information. One example of this is found in Chapter 9 of this book, which discusses Daniel 9, and the many ways in which it has been (incorrectly) translated over the years. When explaining Daniel's vision from Daniel 9, Whitworth takes special care to help the reader understand the historical events surrounding Daniel's vision. This type of care in explaining fully the circumstances of the times are one thing that sets this book apart from others.
I thought this book was very well written, with a lot of thought given to the details in an effort to help the reader expand their own understanding of the book of Daniel. I would highly recommend this book to anyone, as it offers so much insightful and useful information and explanations.
FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from BookCrash.com's blogger program in exchange for an honest review. I was not obligated to write a positive review.
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