"Jonah and the Great Big Fish" by Rhonda Gowler Greene is an adorable retelling of the Biblical story of Jonah. I have two young children, a daughter that is 6, and a son that is 1, and what was great about this book was that they BOTH enjoyed this book. My daughter was able to read this book independently, and the language was kid-friendly and easy for her to understand. My son enjoyed all of the vivid, playful artwork that depicted the events of the story. He kept pointing to different pictures, exclaiming, "This!"
This book sticks to the Biblical story of Jonah, chronicling the events as told in Scripture using words that are kid-friendly, and easy for young children to understand. I loved that my daughter could read this book on her own without having to ask me, "What does this word mean?" This is a wonderful children's book, and Greene was clearly very thoughtful of the young audience she was writing this book for.
The artwork is so much fun to look at, as well. With bright colors, and fun images of the story as it unfolds, it really draws young children into the story. I would definitely recommend this book for children ages 1 and up. With a Biblical message and storyline, combined with a kid-friendly style of writing and beautiful artwork, it is the ideal book for any young child. Wonderful!
FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from the BookLookBloggers program in exchange for an honest review. I was not obligated to write a positive review.
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