Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Blessings of Friendship Treasury

"The Blessings of Friendship Treasury" by Mary Engelbreit is a book that is devoted to poems, quotes, and illustrations that deal with friendship. This book is very unique in that it isn't an actual story with a plot and a storyline - Every page has illustrations, and some kind of quote, Scripture, poem, or short story that is all about friendship.

What I liked about this book were the amazing illustrations. The artwork in this book is just phenomenal, with fun pictures of children playing and enjoying each other's company. I also really liked that many of the quotes that are found in this book are Biblical messages, such as "Here is my command. Love each other, just as I have loved you". I thought these Scripture references are the foundation of what friendship and love is, and it was great to see these Bible verses featured prominently in this book.

There are also fun quotes and poems from famous writers, as well. For example, "Hug O' War" by Shel Silverstein is one of the featured poems. Growing up loving Silverstein, I was excited to see this poem begin the book. There are quotes from classical writers, such as Henry David Thoreau, Oscar Wilde, and Shakespeare. Overall I thought that this book puts a fun twist on what it is to be a friend, in a way that children can understand and enjoy. The illustrations draw you in to this book, and make you want to walk through the pages with the smiling children.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone with younger children in their homes. This would also make a great gift for a young child. I would recommend this book for ages 5 and up, as it does have some challenging words that may be difficult for early readers. My six year old loved this book.

FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from in exchange for an honest review. I was not obligated to write a positive review.

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