"Goodnight, Ark" written by Laura Sassi, and illustrated by Jane Chapman is a super cute story for young children. This book tells a funny story about the animals on the ark all climbing into bed with Noah. The sounds of the storm gradually wake animals on the ark, and they clamor into Noah's room with him. Noah eventually lulls all of the animals to sleep with a bedtime lullaby. The story is written in a rhyming, sing-song tone which makes it fun to read. This book is a hard cover book, which I love, since kids tend to be hard on books (especially books that they like!).
"Goodnight, Ark" is a relatively short book, and each page only has a few sentences on it, detailing the animals' antics on Noah's ark. The illustrations are awesome, and I found them to be colorful and bright, and lots of fun for children. I thought this book would be perfect for a bedtime story for young children, as it has elements of bedtime that kids could relate to. All of the animals were scared, and didn't want to sleep in their own "rooms", so they climbed into bed with Noah. Noah sings the animals a lullaby and gets them back to sleep.
Overall I would rate this book a 5/5. I loved the rhyming style of this book, and I thought it was a fun and humorous book that my kids enjoyed. The artwork was fun and depicted the humor of the story, with all kinda of animals, from elephants to skunks making their way into Noah's room. I would recommend this book for children 3 and up. It's a short book, so great for kids with shorter attention spans. And the images are bright and fun and even my one year old enjoyed looking at the pictures and pointing at the different animals.
Great book - loved it!
FTC DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from BookLook Blogger's Program in exchange for an honest review. I was not obligated to write a positive review. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.
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